No pic today. Not many words. My heart is breaking. A beautiful young lady that I had the privilege of teaching for 2 years has taken her life.  Not only was she physically beautiful, but she had an inner beauty as well.  She was also a very talented artist. And, now she is gone.  I found out less than an hour ago and my mind is still trying to grasp the truth. The reality.  I was her reading teacher. I listened to her artistic plans and hung the art work that she created for me. I smiled at her jokes and looked forward to listening to her takes on books that we were reading in class. But, not once did I realize that she was hurting inside. Not once did I suspect that she would take her life. She was mature. She "had her act together". I knew she would go places and do great things. Sure, she was frustrated with the childish antics of other middle schoolers. But, no, not once did I suspect.

Take time to listen, really listen. Take time to see. I know it is easy to get caught up in administrative expectations, especially for higher test scores. It is easy to drown in the fast pace of keeping up with all the demands. But, there isn't anything worth more than a life. Nothing in this world is more precious than the life of a child. Nothing.

Please pray for her friends and family.  Pray for all the others that are lost and trying to find their way.
What I miss the most…

I miss a lot of things about teaching. My colleagues. Lesson planning (yes, I love writing lessons and curriculum! My proof is that I am still doing it at Chocolate 4 Teachers). Decorating the room. Lunch time. Those “light bulb” moments. The fast pace. The energy. But hands down….  What I miss the most are the kids. My kids. 

I miss the way they made me laugh (mostly at myself).  How honest they were, how curious they were, how hard they tried, how vivid their dreams were.  Let’s be honest,  not all of the kids. There were those that tried my patience, got on my last nerve, and turned some of my hair gray. But, most of them wormed their way into my heart.

I was one of those old-fashioned teachers that believed in structured classrooms. I also believed that respect had to be earned and it was a part of building a relationship.  In fact, without respect, there wasn’t much hope of building relationships. So, I’m not sure just how many of them realized how I felt.  But, I did love them.

All of these kids gave me a gift that I never had anywhere else- motherhood.
I never missed being a mom because I had my kids at school.  They made me feel like a mom minus sick bay duty and college tuition.  Some even called me mom (or grandma) which put a smile on my heart.  I loved (almost) every moment.

 I miss the quirkiness, the laughter, and the successes.  I love walking into a business and seeing one of my kids there.  (I think it surprises them to know that I am human and actually shop!).  I am so proud of their accomplishments.  I’ll admit some are difficult to recognize. They changed a lot from 12 years of age to adulthood.  

Come to think of it…. They gave me two more gifts. Memories. 21 years (and counting) of wonderful memories.  And, new friends. My kids, in their adulthood, have become my friends.  I treasure that.  I guess it is true what they say, “Once a mom, always a mom”.

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Collaborating a fine art?? Yes, in my book it is. Sometimes, it is a song and dance or a complicated tango. In any case, collaborating can be a tricky passage through personalities and preferences.  Members of a collaborative need to practice tolerance and flexibility, while they share their own ideas and methods. The key to success is mature, professional assertiveness. Unfortunately, not everyone on your team will rise to meet the challenge. There will be some that adhere to old methods and ideas and refuse to try something new. And, there will be those members that want to try everything they read on the internet. How do you find a happy medium?  The old adage, "You can't change the way others react, but you can control how you react", is true and applies perfectly to team work.

Collaboration is a necessary part of teaching. You may be asked to be a part of a curriculum team or a teacher may ask you to collaborate on a single lesson. You may ask colleagues to form a collaborative team for the purpose of contributing lesson plans (to make everyone's job a little easier). Whatever the reason is behind the collaborative creation, there are always roadblocks that can be overcome with a couple of reality checks.

First, focus on the goal of the team. Don't get sidetracked by side- talk. Stay focused on the end goal or desired result.  This is much easier if each team member has assigned roles chosen by skill or expertise rather than popularity.  Don't select someone to be a time keeper if they never wear a watch and have no sense of time (that would be me!).  Don't pick the 'teacher's pet' who likes to steal every idea from the internet and share them with the principal to be the facilitator. Keep in mind that personal differences don't matter when a team is being formed. What does matter is the honest acknowledgement of each person's strengths and weaknesses.   This is the mature and professional part. And, the most difficult. We have to lay aside our personal opinions and focus on what is best for the team.

Second, respect the opinions and comments of each team member, even is you don't agree. Remember that everyone has a different perspective. Maybe pieces of each person's idea can result in an excellent plan.  This is where flexibility comes to play. You might have to 'give up' one of your ideas in order to create a sensational plan with your team. Maybe a newer teacher suggests something that your team has unsuccessfully tried in the past. Discuss the failure and how the plan could be tweaked to be successful.  Sometimes it is best to acknowledge that no matter how much you tweak something it just won't work.  Let it go and move forward.

I know that all teams don't work together well. Teachers (yes, myself included) tend to be a "bossy" lot. We are, by our nature, take charge people. Teamwork requires a little less of me attitude and more of an us attitude. Not easy, but definitely doable.

Need some encouragement?  Lesson Resources? Want to take a closer look at resources? Click on these links!

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My newest category..... SLO: Student Learning Objectives!!
First resource............

 More on the way!!!

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This blog does not share personal information with third parties nor do I store any information about your visit to this blog other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies. You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings. I am not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without my permission. This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on June 5, 2015. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly at

The title teacher implies that we are supposed to teach, right??? Well, let me ask you.... "when is that supposed to happen?" Would teaching occur after or before meetings?  In between practice assessments?  While I'm breaking up a classroom disruption?  Or, maybe I can send students the links to a video conference? I know, I know.... I'm being snarky and I'm exaggerating (just a little), but really when is there time to teach?  And, what about finding time to create engaging, challenging lessons when I'm trying to catch up on laundry, reintroduce myself to my husband, fill out IEPs, cook supper, and update my teacher's website.  It could come out to be a website with tips on making your whites their whitest and how to prepare a quick meal that tastes like you spent hours in the kitchen.

Seriously, I know some educators that keep everything going beautifully. I admire and respect them. I don't know how they do it, but they do. No matter what new agenda is thrown at them, they apparently handle it with ease and grace. Not me.  I have a brief moment of panic, followed by "how in the world am I going to accomplish this", and conclude with "Wow, I did it!"

On the flip side, I also know some educators (too many) that seem to become buried under the mounting stack of expectations.  I see the fire slowly go out.  I see the love of teaching turn into a duty. Their joy has been stolen.

So, how can this be fixed? When will I have time to teach?  First thing. It can't be fixed. Accept it. Deal with it. And, move on.  Secondly, you can and will have time to teach with a little balance. You can't do all things perfectly so stop trying ( and this is royal coming from the chief perfectionist).  Pick and choose what you can do and when. Turn practice assessments into learning experiences for your students.  Collaborate with other educators to create and share lessons.  If you purchase something from a teacher website, buy the additional license (usually at a reduction of 50%) to share with others. Form a network so that your colleagues will do the same for you.  Look for templates that you can reuse over and over.  Keep your website simple.

And, above all remember that there are things you have control over and there are things that you don't (I know, very profound). If you don't have control over something, let it go. If you do have control over something, find a way to make it work for you (instead of letting it work you).  Make time for yourself (as recommended in A New Year, A New You).  I know what you are thinking. I've been there and done that. I argued (with myself) for years. I don't have time to exercise. I don't have time to put on eyeshadow, let alone get a make-over.  But, if I had taken some "Kim time" I would have been more balanced and more productive.

Take time for yourself, don't dwell on things you can't control, and find a balance that works for you.

Follow my TpT store, Chocolate 4 Teachers
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sneak peak :)
I am creating a new category to help solve some of the growing demands on educators. Includes the forms, pre and post assessments, as well as, enrichment and challenge resources. Specific for each grade-level. Hopefully, this will be posted by the end of the week-end!

It is easy for teachers to get bogged down and find themselves in a rut. We are so programed to take care of everyone else that we tend to forget about ourselves. We put our own needs on the back burner. I've recently starting going through a "Kim re-invent". Yep! It was time to re-invent the old me into something fresher. I think turning 51 had a lot to do with it, but then I realized that during major life changes,  I've re-invented myself. Nothing major. Maybe a new hair cut or I start ( or stop) using eye liner or I get a new outfit. The main point is that I do something for myself. Something to make me feel good about myself and to remind me that I am okay.  We all need reminders. We all need encouragement. If we don't stop and replenish ourselves, we will run out of steam.

As teachers first, and as women second, we put ourselves and our needs on hold. We feel guilty about doing something for ourselves, if we feel that we should be spending the time or money on our family or our classroom.  This attitude often robs us of joy. We begin to think that we aren't worth it, that we don't deserve a special something.  I've struggled with self-doubt for some time. I had gained weight and didn't feel good about myself. So, I hid.  Then something snapped and I decided to stop hiding.  I cut out sugary treats- cold turkey, and took to the road. The walking trail, that is.  I decided to stop trying to be everything everyone expected me to be and take some "Kim time".  The result. In three months, I am down a clothing size. I feel sassy and feisty again. I feel healthier. And, I feel worthy.
A fun collection of flip-books!

Too often we are so exhausted that the last thing we feel is beautiful. But, you are beautiful. You are God's special creation. Created for a plan and a purpose. You will make mistakes, but you are forgiven. You are smart. You are funny. You are creative. You are important. What you do is important, but who you are is what is most valuable.  You deserve a 20 minute soak in a bubble bath. A quiet time to read your favorite book.  A night out.  You deserve time to pamper yourself and restore your emotional and mental health.  No one else is going to look out for you and take care of you. Someone has to do it. It might as well be you.

So, in this new year, take time for you. Set aside time daily, weekly, or monthly for a little "re-invent".   It doesn't have to be costly. It doesn't have to be lengthy, but it does have to be rejuvenating. Find something that you really like to do and make time to enjoy it.  Buy red lipstick or part your hair on the left instead of the right.  Just do something different, something fun, something just for you.
Take time to rediscover just how precious you are, because you are worth it!

Like my Facebook page, Chocolate 4 Teachers
 Check out my teacher's store, Chocolate 4 Teachers

And, while you are there, take a look at my new category, Baby, It's Cold Outside!

One of my favorites!! 

Mini-Lessons for Math and Reading

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